Friday, July 24, 2009

Good weekend, all

Nothing to say about the market. It it wants crazy, then let it go. Reducing your risk on your portfolio is always a number one job in this game.

I am still holding SRS positions (under deep water, hmm...) and will be ready to average down if SPX goes above 1000 next week.

Good luck on your trading next week!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

cut FAZ $41.52

market is so strong...

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Still holding short positions SRS, FAZ

Though I missed to lock some gains early this morning (about 4% and 2% each) on short positions. These two positions are almost at initial cost with today's closing prices. Hold them into tomorrow.

I do have long positions on some individual stocks, as I told via twitter. However, I don't want to advertise individual stocks here, as this blog is mainly used to share buy and sell signals for general market or sectors from trading systems. And also small volume stocks could be easily manipulated.

Good luck on your trading!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

re-entered SRS $18.22 AH

Hope that I could sit tight this time.

Hard to be a bear!

sold SRS $18.42

flat on this trade!

Will revisit some time later

Bought FAZ $41.46

short finance on its weakness

Monday, July 20, 2009

Bought SRS, $18.35

I am bearish this week.