Thursday, April 23, 2009

关于 stress test

政府搞了个银行的 stress test, 下周将要公布结果。

往好的方面去想,政府确实想知道如果再来一波针对银行的 selloff,这前19大银行有多少还能撑住,还需要多少政府注资。巴马大师的政府当然不想看到在自己任内倒掉几家大银行,这样的话,即使以不是留下的烂摊子为由也好像说不过去。

不过仔细一想,政府和银行不是一条船上的吗,由政府来对银行搞这个东西,那还不想怎么搞就怎么搞。何况这些银行还被暂时不用M2M会计原则,假账之下,规则自定。你想要什么样的结果?什么都行。不过,他们唯一要考虑的是怎么忽悠得大家信。 这不才有了结果公布推迟到了大部分银行都公布了一季度盈利之后。一季度着19家银行绝大部分盈利远超预期,在这样的利好之下,如果政府公布说19家银行都顺利的通过了test,估计很多人都信。

可是,股市从来都不是由普通股民来操纵的,他是由MM (market maker) 来推动的,你得要这些 MM相信才行。我估计MM还是不会相信没有一家银行有问题。所以全部顺利通过的结果不可能。



  1. I am out FAS, URE. Market is crazy about last hour selling off.... just limited gain into pocket. Hopefully, mkt didn't trick me and reverse to up from here

  2. It is very possible that this week end above 866 (the last week end), then we will see 7 straight up weeks. If so I think definitly we need to short it. Sell on the news, the stress test result. Also our program will close the current long (enter @833.75) if tomorrow goes up and changes to short.

  3. I turned out to be tricked by the mkt in the last 30 mins. Mkt closed at the high of today. Fortunately, I got some XLF call options before it flied, but very small positions.

    Tomorrow, I will buy on some decent dips (if there is any, lower than today's close), and expecting to close higher than today's close. If so, I will be out all my longs and switch to short at tomorrow's close.
