Monday, June 15, 2009

FoxSwing Real Time Trading index futures

06/15/09 11:20 Long ES U9 @918.50

06/15/09 11:20 Cover Short @918.50
06/09/09 14:24 Short ES U9 @939.50

06/09/09 14:24 Cover Long @939.50
06/08/09 12:44 Long ES U9 @924.75

This system is still in the testing, although its 12-year test result is very good. For 12 years start from 1998 to 2009 (till May 31), average profit per year is 400 points (from 09/01/2008 the test is real time, and we even made our biggest profit for the quarter 09/01/2008 to 11/30/2008).

However, this system also has high maxdown. That's why we still in testing and further developing. For example, the last trade, we started @939.50, while the ES even went to more than 959, that's $1000 paper loss, and if you can not tolerate, you will cut and loss.

I will update the realtime signal here, but please be caution and please don't follow it if you want to daytrade and cannot loss big.

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