Friday, June 26, 2009

Market strength

I am actually not so bearish. SRS is the position following my Pivot Trend System.

I also have some bullish ideas like CMCSA, CIEN, GLD, which I already loaded calls in.

I am currently looking at V and will load some calls too.

Today, big names are holding up great, like AAPL, AMZN, MA, GS, ...

As a trader, you must be able to be as flexible as market.


  1. Yes, a good trader can have both long positions and short positions at the same time and profit both!

  2. Any lower limit for FAZ , worrying about eoq window dressing .

    thanks in advance

  3. My FAZ calls are for med-term play. They are Oct calls. As Vix is below 26, and close to my target 25. I am so confident by loading short positions for med-term play.

  4. Any new plan on SRS? It seems not good.
