Thursday, June 4, 2009

Quick summary and a new signal triggered

1) I missed an 8% profit by not following the Pivot Trend System's BUY signal on XLF at yesterday's close (by playing FAS). Well, I do make bad decisions and mistakes, which are naturally inevitable for any traders/investors. The more important thing is that you do have your PLAN-B to make up for it to reduce your loss or even turn bad decisions to a winning trade at the end.

2) The Pivot Trend System triggered a new signal on finance: SELL. It is not typical for the system to turn around buy/sell signals so quickly on XLF. The average holding periods for XLF by the system is between 1 and 2 weeks. It may indicate something unusual is coming soon, that I can not tell or confirm at this moment.

3) I loaded the 3rd size of SRS postions before close at $17.4, making the cost of my total 3 sizes of SRS be $18.86. How many total sizes can I add? Or what is each size should I play? That is a money management/risk control question, the answer of which really depends on individual's plans/goals/risk tolerance. To me, I have a total of 5-6 sizes to play.

4) Good Luck!


  1. Wow, lion heart on SRS.. I plan to double my hold when it revisits 16.**. Maybe it will not visit it this week..


  2. The 3rd size of SRS can be considered as FAZ positions following today's SELL signal on XLF. I may cut some if I don't feel comfortable. For now it is fine to me.

  3. what's your stop for SRS just in case?

  4. What's the stop on FAZ?

  5. So worried. FAZ has droped to 4.16 by now at pre-market.

  6. Yeah, I cam watching the pre-market right now. Job numbers push the market higher.
    -3% down for SRS now.
    EURUSD is dropping.
