Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Bot FAS $7.88

Hope this is a deal!


  1. FAS is gonna reserve split tomorrow. You sure it won't be another AIG? By the way, how's your URE position? Thanks for the update

  2. Hello KidDisco ,

    I request you to follow displain here , if you wish you can follow or you need not coment .Lookslike you are a kid ..

  3. Never mind. I am open to all kinds of comments.

    Yes, I know FAS's reverse split tomorrow. I think FAS is different from AIG, as it has sort of to follow its underlying index.

    By the way, this is a short-term play.

  4. thanks a lot. that makes sense.

    Could you please update your strategy on URE? I am also holding a little position. thanks

  5. FAZ,SKF,SRS broken and set to run , not sure this is a good time to enter in these etf's or not ,

    Any thoughts on these ETF's ??
