Monday, June 8, 2009

Bought back SRS at $17.8

Got back the size of SRS that I sold earlier today at $18.17.

Hold on!! There is a question with this call according to the Pivot Trend System, reviewing it right now, which means I could turn bullish from now for tomorrow. Looking now....


  1. I can not understand why you bought it back again while your system indicates a buying signal?

  2. That buy signal is from the system called FoxSwing which mainly trades S&P E-mini futures. Swinger, one of the authors of this blog, is taking care of this system. The system I (Pivot Trend) am tracking is called Pivot Trend System which tracks XLF and IYR.

    The two system are designed differently with different trading time frames. Usually FoxSwing has a longer holding periods than Pivot Trend.

    Hope this explains.

  3. Hi,

    Is it possible for others to access those two systems?



  4. The FoxSwing System is a paid service listed on with 14 days' free trial. The link is on the right of the blog.

    The Pivot Trend System is not fully automated. But you can get my call here. My plan is to send signals out through a mailing list when this system is improved to be automatic.
