Monday, June 8, 2009

Positions Updated as of 6/8

1) 1 size SRS due to sell order not filled AH. Plan to sell them early tomorrow.
2) 1 size URE loaded AH at $4.13, following the call from the Pivot Trend System.
3) SRS July 16 Calls for med-term play, cost at $3
4) All comments and especially some market analysis are very welcome!

And my comments in the previous post's comment section. Just in case you missed it in your RSS on comments.

"To the 2nd, yes, I was pointing that IYR was a sell on Friday, and expecting a quick -5% down in 1 or 2 days. Today's sizable gap down and going lower in the morning did start the way I was expecting. However, market is always full of uncertainties. The last 1hr pulling up was showing market internal strength, esp for finance sector including part of real estate.

I think that the system provided at today's close (BUY signal on IYR) makes sense to me, as timing is also a critical factor for trading the market. No quick 5% down today, and plus the huge volume in the last hour's pop, destroyed Friday's SELL setup on IYR, and triggered BUY.

The system is flexible, and hope traders like us are flexible too."


  1. btw,
    Allow me to introduce myself. I'm the anonymous subscriber.

  2. What happened? If you are long, short-term should be fine. If you are short, med-term is on your side. But first, you have to clearly know what you are trading for, and what position sizes you should allocate to each trade.

  3. KidDisco, is that you who got the BUY signal on 12:44pm of today from C2?

  4. That would be me. Although I don't have access to a futures account.... yet.
    In hindsight, I probably should have cut my shorts after receiving that signal.

  5. "what you are trading for, and what position sizes you should allocate to each trade"

    well said

  6. I think you'll miss the boat on SRS. I see SRS to $20 in the next 2 trading days. Today should be a significant down day for the market.

  7. To the above anonymous,

    I could be wrong, since in this market no one can be 100% correct. I really hope the top was in already. It would be better if you could list a couple of reasons justifying your statement. It is good to share ideas and learn from each other.
