Friday, May 8, 2009

New plan, this time on SRS

I did not trade for today's up, even though my call on URE/IYR yesterday was so great! Hope that you have made money, if you followed my call.

I will load SRS when SPX hits 930 for the first half. The second half will be spent at close, if SPX closes higher than 930.


  1. My order was not hit yet. Will post it when hits.

  2. Will I miss this call again? no way!!!

  3. it is pretty tough and it is today's bottom price.

  4. Yes, I know. My call is just so damn good? LOL

  5. I put 19.65 as target. what is yours?

  6. True. I didn't get the lowest one but was lucky to load some at 19.9. Not best expectation but at least hold the position and will load more when it is lower than 19.5.
