Thursday, May 7, 2009

The reason for today's drop

Today, data good!

Jobless beat estimate
Retails Good!

Why Drop?

Main reason: Bond

Bond sell is more difficult. This crisis lets people know US financial system is fooling the world. So it will be more difficult to sell bonds because they ask higher interests since they think the risk is higher now. However, US don't want to lift interests.

As results, bonds cannot be sold -> no easy cash for US -> stock drops


  1. good to know! thank you!

  2. Thank Swinger for his insightful comments.

  3. What's your vision of the impact after stress test results are released after market? Understand most of the positive/negative aspects were already priced in but just curious how it will impact the market

  4. For the stress test, I think the aim of stress test is fully completed. Banks have/or are about to raise more cash through issuing more stocks or bonds. So no matter what are the results. The market should down after they publish the results.
